Felix is a European, multicultural company born of the merger of a French company, Fiberdeck, and a Dutch and German company : Felix Clercx.
Felix has been renowned for over 100 years for its FelixWood brand of certified tropical woods, its Fiberdeck co-extruded composite woods developed over the past 15 years, and its Cobra brand of decking accessories.
Felix distributes its 3 brands: Felixwood, Fiberdeck and Cobra for decking, cladding and fencing.
"We create value by developing bio-based, sustainable products."
Nicolas Tant
FELIX Products
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Our brands
Never Stop Innovating
Fiberdeck is the specialist in co-extruded composite wood for decking, cladding and fencing.
Wood for Generations
FelixWood is the specialist in exotic hardwoods for long-lasting outdoor landscaping & outdoor living.
Global Decking System
COBRA offers an innovative range of stainless steel clips and screws for fastening wood and WPC decking.